war eagle!

Welcome to Kappa Alpha Theta at Auburn University! My name is Cheney Curls, and it is my greatest honor and privilege to be able to serve the Gamma Omega chapter as President. Whether you are a potential new member, parent, or just a member of the Auburn or Theta community, we hope that you are able to find whatever you may need on this website.

From the moment I ran home on Bid Day, I have been surrounded by the most well-rounded, selfless, and sincere group of women I have ever known. Being part of Gamma Omega has truly given me a place to call home, and I cannot imagine my Auburn experience without my sisters. As a member of this chapter, I have found encouragement and support that pushes me to grow as a leader and friend, and a sisterhood that is loyal and loving. I truly believe that as a member of this sisterhood, you can expect to leave better than you came, while also leaving a positive impact.

As Thetas, we strive to uphold our ideals of intellectual curiosity, commitment to service, leadership potential, and personal excellence. The women of Gamma Omega serve as true witnesses to the impact that Theta love can have on a life. From the moment that they step through the door on Bid Day until the day that they graduate, our women aim to be the best versions of themselves and, as collegians, have the opportunity to become part of something bigger.

Being a Theta woman means to become a leading woman who is led by and inspired by the people around her. Theta has taught me that being a part of a sorority is so much more than the exciting events. I have gained mentors, a home away from home, and inspiring friends. In addition, I have grown as a leader and learned how to boldly and courageously approach life without holding back. I am so honored to be able to share this exceptional sisterhood with our women. While I am lucky enough to get to lead these women, they are the ones that I look up to! This chapter will forever hold a piece of my heart, and I hope you can also see not only what makes our members stand out, but also the special bond shared by the women of Kappa Alpha Theta.

Theta Love and Mine,

Cheney Curls | Gamma Omega Chapter President

Contact us: president@auburnthetas.com