Our Wonderful Executive Recruitment Board!

Meet Our Vice President of Membership


Dear Potential New Members of Kappa Alpha Theta,

War Eagle and welcome to Kappa Alpha Theta! Our names are Alex and Laney, and we are honored and excited to be able to serve as New Member Director and Assistant for Theta this year. As the new member team, our job is to help transition new members into our chapter as well as the Auburn Panhellenic community as a whole. We know that this time can be crazy overwhelming, but we can’t wait to be able to guide these girls through some of the most fun and exciting times of their lives! We are so expectant for what is to come, and are so looking forward to Bid Day to finally meet you!!

College is most definitely one of the biggest adjustments, but as the New Member Team we are ready to serve you in every capacity to make the process as smooth and as painless as possible.  We can both wholeheartedly say that Theta has provided us a constant, guiding light even when things start to feel overwhelming.  It has provided us a home away from home, the ability to put us out of our comfort zone, a chance to grow in ways we never could have, and encouragement we need to reach our full potential at Auburn.  We are so excited to be by your side through it all-  from bid day, to the nerves of your first swap, to the fun of your first gameday, to the stressful first exam week in college, to the first thought of missing home, we are here to offer a helping hand through it all.  

We know that the recruitment process is extremely stressful and overwhelming, but rest in the fact that everything works out the way it should. The Auburn Panhellenic community is filled with so much joy and love you are bound to find a home in one of the wonderful eighteen chapters it has to offer.  We have the utmost faith that if you do decide to call Kappa Alpha Theta home, you will meet some of the sweetest, intentional and uplifting girls while making some of the best memories of your college career.  Theta has given so much to us, we can’t wait to give it back to the new members while welcoming them with open arms to our chapter!! 

Theta Love and Mine,

Alex Newell & Laney Hill
New Member Director + New Member Assistant


Dear Potential New Members,

War Eagle! My name is Jillian Johnson and I’m from Mobile, Alabama. I have the honor of serving as Kappa Alpha Theta’s Vice President of Membership this year. Our Recruitment Director, Ansley Fesperman, and I have been working with our team since December to plan an incredible fall recruitment. We are so excited that you have decided to go through recruitment! We hope that you feel welcomed not only in Theta but by all of the Greek Life on Auburn’s campus!

In 2022, I came into recruitment not knowing what to expect, but I did know that I wanted to find a place that made me feel welcomed and at home. After talking to the women in Theta, I was certain that this was the chapter that felt like home. I could talk about my love for Theta forever but the Panhellenic community here at Auburn is filled with amazing chapters and I hope that each one of you will find your home.

Theta is a place where you can be yourself with the constant support of your sisters. As a member of this chapter, I am constantly pushed to be the best leader and best version of myself. If you had told me three years ago, while I was in your position, that I would hold this position I would have never believed you. It is with the amazing support system of women in this chapter that I feel confident in myself and know that I am capable of doing this. College is an adventure that has many ups and downs and is a time when you will grow immensely as a person. We would love to be by your side as you take on this next chapter of your life.

From everyone here at the Gamma Omega chapter, we are so excited to meet you!


Jillian Johnson

Vice President of Membership


Meet Our New Member Director & Assistant



August 8 ⋆ Virtual Ice Water Teas Round

August 11-17 ⋆ In-Person Recruitment Rounds


Recruitment introductions can be sent to our address:
Kappa Alpha Theta
201 Wire Rd
The Village Box #14
Auburn, AL 36849
Submit online introductions here!